That's a Wrap! How To Avoid Back Pain When Wrapping Gifts For The Holidays

That's a Wrap! How To Avoid Back Pain When Wrapping Gifts For The Holidays

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday officially behind us, it's time to start wrapping all those great deals you managed to snag for the holidays! While gift wrapping seems like a fairly simple activity, the potential for you to hurt your low back is very real.

Here are some tips to help you get your wrapping done the right way:

✓ Wrap Your Gifts On A Surface That Is Waist High >> At first glance, sitting down on the floor with all your supplies within reach seems like a good a idea. However, this will require you to bend, hunch over and stretch repeatedly, exposing your low back to undue repetitive stresses. Having a work surface that is waist high is best. I find that an adjustable ironing board works wonders! Plus, you can set it up anywhere (in my case, in front of the TV so I can watch the Leafs game!). The kitchen counter or dining room table are good options, too.

✓ Set Up A Gift Wrapping Station >> Having all your materials set up and ready to go will make gift wrapping that much easier. A good pair of scissors will also make a big difference. Also, consider using double-sided tape!

✓ Take Breaks, Change Positions >> Like any activity that involves repeating the same task over and over again, it's always a good idea to take a break every little while (usually every 20 minutes). Changing positions can also help - that's where the adjustable ironing board comes in handy! You can lower it and sit in a chair and continue wrapping, and then raise it again and stand. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what's most comfortable.

✓ Wrap With Friends >> Nothing makes a mundane task more fun than hanging out with friends! Invite some people over and have a wrapping party! It will definitely speed things up.

✓ Don't Forget To Stretch >> Even though gift wrapping seems simple (and it is!), it still puts a repetitive strain on your body. Take a few moments to stretch out your low back before you start, and periodically whenever you take a break (remember...every 20 minutes!).

✓ Wrap As You Go >> Raise your hand if you've left wrapping your gifts to the very last possible minute? I'm guilty of this, too! The best way to avoid spending several hours wrapping gifts, when you'd rather be doing other, more fun things, is to wrap as you go. After a day of shopping, spend an hour or so and wrap all your purchases, and then hide them away!

The holiday season is meant to be enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Don't let a sore low back get in the way of that!

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