Strengthen Your Core So Your Back's Not Sore - Side Bridge

Strengthen Your Core So Your Back's Not Sore - Side Bridge

Today's post is the final one discussing the theme of McGill and core strength that I've touched upon over the last few weeks. Again, it's almost as if this whole core strength thing is...important! If you haven't had a chance to read those previous posts, check them out: Abdominal Bracing, Bird Dog and Curl Up.

I know that by now, you're all pros at Abdominal Bracing, because as I mentioned before, it's an important exercise to master, and is a crucial component of McGill's Big Three.

McGill's Big Three you ask? Here's a quick refresher. Dr. Stuart McGill, world-renown biomechanist and low back expert (and Canadian!) recommends abdominal bracing as one component of a low back exercise routine. The remaining three exercises, known as McGill's Big Three, build upon your ability to effectively perform abdominal bracing.

Today I'm introducing the Side Bridge. Like the Bird Dog and Curl Up before it, the goal of the Side Bridge is to work on improving core strength and stability (low back, abdominal and hip muscles). Start with one set of 10 reps daily, and be sure to complete the exercise on both sides! As this exercise becomes easier to perform, the difficulty can be increased by leaning on your feet with your knees fully extended, and eventually leaning in your hand instead of your elbow. Ultimately, performing two sets daily, with a 60 second rest period between sets, is ideal. And, don't forget to keep up with your Abdominal Bracing, too!

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Lift Light, Shovel Right - How To Lighten The Load On Your Back This Winter

Lift Light, Shovel Right - How To Lighten The Load On Your Back This Winter

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